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Daniel García

Full Stack Developer | Industrial Engineer | Systems and Computer Engineer (Universidad de Los Andes)

About Me

I'm Daniel García, Industrial Engineer and Computer and Systems Engineer. I am a person with excellent interpersonal relationships, ease of oral and written expression, with skills in the area of ​​software development, experience with different programming languages, knowledge of software architecture techniques and tools, as well as a command of English as a second language (intermediate level). I am proactive in solving problems, with ease of adaptation, always in search of new knowledge, with a great sense of responsibility and the ability to be an active part of a work team.

You can contact me through the following links:


Here is a list of my programming interests and skills.

HTML logo
CSS logo
Javascript logo
Typescript logo
Python logo
Java logo

React logo
Vue.js logo
Node.js logo
Django logo
Flutter logo


Restaurant con Fusion project mockup
Restaurant Con Fusion

Project developed in Coursera's web development course. React was used as a frontend development framework

Wonderful Quotes project mockup
Wonderful Quotes

Project developed in Udemy's web development course. Vue was used as a frontend development framework

Monster Slayer project mockup
Monster Slayer

Project developed in Udemy's web development course. Vue was used as a frontend development framework

Chiper project mockup

Project developed in Software Architecture course. Django and Spring Boot were used as a backend development frameworks


Project developed in Software Architecture course. Django and Spring Boot were used as a backend development frameworks


I like to develop software, play and watch soccer.


Universidad de Los Andes (2017 - 2021)

Bachelor's degree Systems and Computer Engineering

Postgraduate studies in the Master in Computer and Systems Engineering and in the Master in Software Engineering.

Universidad de Los Andes (2016 - 2020)

Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering

Postgraduate studies in the Master in Industrial Engineering and the Master in Information Technologies.